3 records found

Status of the Record: Pending Tags: Code MUF Classification System ASFIS Scientific Name Mugil cephalus

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    Assessment Unit

    Private Mugil cephalus - Indian Ocean, East / 57.5.2 - Indian Ocean, East / 57.5.1 - ...

    Short Name: Flathead grey mullet - Western Australia GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:MUF+fao:57;fao:57.5.1;fao:57.5.2 Record URL:...
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    Marine Resource

    Private Mugil cephalus - Western English Channel (Division 27.7.e) - Eastern English ...

    Short Name: Flathead grey mullet - English Channel GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:MUF+fao:27.7.d;fao:27.7.e Record URL:...
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    Assessment Unit

    Private Mugil cephalus - Atlantic, Western Central

    Short Name: Flathead grey mullet - North Carolina GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:MUF+fao:31 Record URL:...